Monday to Friday 9AM - 7PM, Saturday 9AM - 5PM
Šafránkova 1238/1, 155 00 Prague 13 – Stodůlky, map
This is outdoor exhibition, freely accessible during opening hours.
Ondřej Svítil
Michael Rožek
Kateřina Brožová
Josef Červený
David Bartel
Pavel Luža
Tomáš Blažek
Karel Tomášek, DiS.
We will be happy to help you with your projects. We provide free technical support for the products for road infrastructure and selected products for the house and garden. We recommend a suitable type and location of individual elements, and we will provide tips for the laying.
The accredited test laboratory is used by our company in particular as a tool for further extension and higher quality of services in the area of technical service provided to the target group of our customers and business partners.